Brain Bread
Vampire Slayer
Natural Selection
- Issues Bots Added – Bots have been added to assist with issue management.
- Lock-Threads Bot – Closed issues that are inactive for 1 year are locked.
- No-Response Bot – Issues labelled “waiting response” will be closed after being inactive for 30 days.
- Potential Duplicate Bot – Identifies if an issue is a possible duplicate.
- Request Info Bot – Issues labeled “needs more info” will give a link to the support guide.
- Wrong Forum Bot – If issue is labeled “wrong forum” it is closed and message pointing to the support page is displayed.
- Welcome Bot – A welcome message for first time posters
- Telegram proxy settings added useful for countries like Russia where Telegram is blocked #1901
- New Server: Eco
- New Server: BrainBread
- New Server: Natural Selection
- New Server: Vampire Slayer
- Fixed: Missing Discord alert icon
- Fixed: Major cleaning of tmux handling 01919f2#diff-48450d6989748f731105ccb82bdcf9e6
- Fixed: post-details not updating info after first use
- Fixed: post-details displaying api and gslt info
- Fixed: Standardised the steam workshop variable names
- New Mods added to mods-list
- Fixed: gamedig no longer decides the query port (LinuxGSM decides)
- Update: sourcemod to version 1.9
- Update: Check dependencies added mono and improved code
- Fixed: #1779 Cannot find python dependency when python is installed.
- Fixed: Added Serious Sam 3 Fix
- Update: Changed to how RAM is displayed in details
- Update: Improved distro detection
- Fixed: Various bug fixes
- Fixed: Added nogui to minecraft params
- Update: now using domain to download LinuxGSM script